Friday, October 22, 2010

3rd assignment and hopefully will be the last one..."^_^"

Words describe the main character of this movie :
1 )Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey, Jr.) = Dare to take risks
2 )Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams) = Attractive women (quite sexy)
3) Mark Strong  (Lord Henry Blackwood) = Crafty person

Are you satisfied with the ending of the movie? If you're not satisfied, why? If you're satisfied, why?
Im quite satisfied because, the case to solve the mystery of Lord Henry Blackwood is mostly near to impossible to solve. But with patient, dare to take risk, helps from his friends and patient during having challenges helps him to solve the mystery of the case. I hope that will have a new episode where Sherlock Holmes face the famous killer during his lifetime Jack The Ripper.

Monday, September 20, 2010

SuBjECt VerB AgreEMenT ExerCIsE

Quiz on Subject-Verb Agreement [Logo]

Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence. Don't use the HINT buttons unless you really need them.
1.  Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator ____ going to have to make a decision.

You're right! When subjects are connected by or, the subject closer to the verb (which is, in this case, singular) determines the number of the verb.

2.  ______ my boss or my sisters in the union going to win this grievance?

You're right! Again, the subject closer to the verb (my boss) determines the number of the verb.

3.  Some of the votes __________ to have been miscounted.

Some is the subject in this sentence; it is plural because the word votes makes it a countable indefinite pronoun.

4.  The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring _____ more than just a nuisance.

You're right! The subject is tornadoes. You were not confused by the words and phrases that came between the subject and its verb.

5.  Everyone selected to serve on this jury _____ to be willing to give up a lot of time.

Be care of everyone! It seems to be a plural word, but it is always singular.

6.  Kara Wolters, together with her teammates, _________ a formidable opponent on the basketball court.

The subject here is Kara Wolters (singular). The subject is not compounded by phrases such as along with, together with, and as well as.

7.  He seems to forget that there __________ things to be done before he can graduate.

You're right! The subject (things, in this case) comes after the verb in constructions that begin with here or there.

8.  There _______ to be some people left in that town after yesterday's flood.

You're right! The subject is people, which is plural, and that determines the verb (not the word there).

9.  Some of the grain __________ to be contaminated.

You're right! Some is the subject of this sentence and, since it is not really countable (you can't count the grain), it is singular.

10.  Three-quarters of the students __________ against the tuition hike.

You're right! Three quarters of the students represents a countable number.

11.  Three-quarters of the student body __________ against the tuition hike.

You're right! Three quarters of the student body represents a lump sum, a singular entity.

12.  A high percentage of the population _________ voting for the new school.

You're right! "Percentage" is a mathematical proportion, expressing here a singular lump sum.

13.  A high percentage of the people _________ voting for the new school.

You're right! "Percentage" is a mathematical proportion, but here it reflects a countable, therefore plural, quantity.

Results: 10 Correct -- 3 Wrong -- 0 Skipped

Saturday, August 28, 2010

BeLiEve in ThE OnE ThaT BeLieVEs oN YoU

see the title....
a special sentence get it from my lecture....
Miss Just.....
tq miss...



new version of "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde"

The novel that I have being read is Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Hehehe.... The novel that has we learn during our secondary school. So, it is easier to me to make this assignment but it’s hard to get the idea how to comprising myself to the character of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and I will try make it and make some ideas that maybe can be interesting to the reader. Hahaha.... Hope so.

Dr Jekyll, is a person who kinds to the people around him, talkative, friendly and he also a good looking person. That why Dr Jekyll is well-known person in his town. He likes to do a lot of researcher and make some new experiment in order to get new medicine ingredients. Unfortunately, during an experiment, he has sacrifice himself to drink a new medicine that he make and become something like 2 faced person, one evil and one a good side in himself. The good side is Dr Jekyll and the Evil side is known as Mr Hyde. Mr Hyde usually appears during night and does many crimes such as hit innocent people. He can’t control himself when he becomes Mr Hyde. One day, suddenly Mr Hyde decided to kill Dr Jekyll and he made it but the true it is when he kills Dr Jekyll, he also kills himself and as the result of that incident both of them die. Actually Dr Jekyll already knows the appearance of his second identity Mr Hyde by writing a letter to her fellow friend Dr Lenyon before he died. Although he got the letter Dr Lenyon being told to do not open it until Dr Jekyll died. Follow the Dr Jekyll instruction, he only read the letter after Dr Jekyll died and in the letter says that Mr Hyde is his second appearance from his body. So, that about my story that I had being read.

About the character of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I think that we have similarity of characteristic in my reality life. As we can see here, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde were a two different character but we can see that they were in the same body. One is the good type and another is the one evil which we can see here that the evil side make many problems and burden the good sided. In the end it will be a horrible ending about their life. About me, I’m not taken that medicine which would cause the appearance of second character on our body. But I was hiding my character. Hahaha... Why I’m saying like that because I thinks that I’m hiding my sadness and problem in my heart without showing it to the others. I always sad and crying when me getting problems. The way I’m hiding that feeling is I always smile when I go to anywhere. In the way like that, people many people think me that I was a happy person and have no problem in my life at all. But not all people think like that. It’s because people like my lecture Miss Jasmine which have “sixth sense” that can read people mind well. So sure we can`t hide it from kind that of person. Hehe... Beside that, me were being kind to all my friends and always smile when meet them but when one day I being moody when going to the class, everyone was worried and them keep asking me, ” Do you have problem Izz”. They keep asking me that question until me telling them about my situation and problem on that day. Hahaha... But not all my problem I’m telling them. Because it is no need to them to know it if I’m not sure in case of they can solve my problem. Now, lucky that I found a girl (thought she still young) (hope so) (hehehe)(continue). She was my lecture in this university, my English lecture, the person that said has “sixth sense” earlier. She kind quite helping me, encourage me and support me in solving my problems. Thank to her, because she decrease my sadness in my life that be an “evil character” in my life now. Hope my evil character not be to troublesome in my life such as in the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde story which both of them died at the end of the story. Be patient, confidence, hard work on it and always pray to Allah. May God bless us in our daily life.

Before ending, I just want to say that smile is “sedekah”. So smile always. Secondly, smile always because it can hide our problems and make others happy see us without worried. And then, don’t think that all people were happy in the case they look happy. If we have problems that can’t be solved by ourselves, just share it to the person that we can trust. Believe on the person who believes on you. Lastly, pray for me and my sweethearts, Ain, always be happy together. Amin....